Friday, October 29, 2010

Message for everyone who is participating in the music-over-the-weekend scheme

It didn't work out last weekend; not enough people showed up. If you wish to help get this project done and get paid for your efforts, show up on Skype tomorrow and the next day (depending on your time zone).
If not enough people show up, this won't get done. If we don't actually work at it all through the weekend, it won't get done.
If the project is not successful this weekend, the whole point of the scheme will have been defeated, and I will either let it go, or I will go fishing for another group of people on /b/.

Small investment, worth-while return. Please show up if you want to help.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

More News

Unfortunately, this project will most likely have to get finished next weekend. Unexpectedly, only 3 or 4 people showed up yesterday and no activity seems to be getting done as of yet today, although I admit that I myself am pretty busy today.
The delay is also due to some other unforeseen circumstances, but I won't go into detail on that. Emails and Skype messages will hopefully go out soon so I can get the status on everybody.

Good news:
Progress has been made on several songs.
The name has been decided: Kick Stuff

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Official Plan of Attack Report #1

Just in case everyone hasn't already heard, actual music creating is officially starting on Saturday, October 23. It is ending the following day. I know some of us have different time zones, so just show up whenever your Saturday is, and you can stop working when everybody else does. Feel free to show up and start working on songs as early as you want on Saturday, and leave as late as you want on Sunday. Obviously we don't all need to be working on it all day, all weekend. Go do whatever shit you gotta do on those days, but lots of full-group collaboration would be very nice (actually, it's necessary for this to work). Just be on as much as you can on Saturday and Sunday.

Also, it is best that everybody try to be online on Skype whenever your computers are on, for the rest of the week. You don't need to be on the computer or constantly watching Skype, just have it logged in, just in case important messages need to be given out.

Any important messages (such as this one) will be posted on this blog.
You can subscribe to the RSS, bookmark it, or whatever.

I am going to try to individually message everyone this week to make sure we're all on the same page.


It has been generally agreed that we will somewhat model the songs on a Lady Gaga type of basis. I also feel that people such as Taylor Swift and Souljia Boy and all that other gay crap could benefit us as well. So listen to some of that this week if you can stomach it.

- - -
What kind of shit are young, stupid, girls into:

Sexual innuendo
Drugs ("Man I took so much Tylenol this weekend")
Needless rebellious attitude toward parents/school/authority
Emo shit
Dancing (with glow-sticks?)

You get the idea. These are the kinds of things we need to model the lyrics around.
- - -

- - -
We need simple, catchy, melodies and danceable rhythms for the happy songs. Very electronic sounding.
Angry songs sound more raspy and inspire fist-pumping.
Sad songs tend to have acoustic guitar and melodramatic vocals.
- - -

If it has been decided (by one or by all) that we need a certain part or a certain sound, and you feel you are the one for the job, volunteer and get it done. There is no need to designate certain parts to certain people.

I plan on hopefully making a DropBox for this project. That'll be done tomorrow if I remember to do it. I would like everybody to private message me their email addresses so I can sign us up for that, as well as for future reference.

Until Saturday, everybody needs to think of band names. As a general rule, it'd be best if everybody thought of at least one.

Well, I'm pretty damn tired. That's all for now. If I missed anything, I'll write about it later.
Night all.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Progress - Day 1

We've got 8 people in the Skype chat, 6 of them official band members. 1 or 2 more are on the way, hopefully.
General technical aspects have been somewhat decided.

Actual music-making is scheduled to start Saturday, next week. Until then, everyone is to think of possible band names and ideas.

And the Journey Begins

The project has been started up today, again.

Awaiting email replies and Skype confirmations.
This blog may be moved in the future, and the title may be changed.